Converting Nubuck into Smooth Leather

Nubuck is a leather which has received a treatment on the skin side of the leather in opposition to suede which has been treated on the flesh side.

To care for nubuck leather is not always easy once it shows signs of wear, and it is particularly difficult to recolour in case of colour loss.

One solution is to treat it with products for smooth leather so as to convert it into smooth leather. You can either recolour it in the same shade or change its colour, in the same way one would proceed for smooth leather, but only into a clearly darker shade.

In any case we can test a sample of your leather to make sure such a treatment is possible. Afterwards, proceed according to the following steps :

A. Converting nubuck into smooth leather in the same shade.

1 - Preparation :
Make sure your nubuck is clean, greaseless and dry.
To eliminate dust, brush it with the Cleaning Sponge Suede Nubuck Saphir. Use Stain Remover Hussard Spray to treat sebum on areas in contact with skin or hair, and/or use OMNIDAIM Saphir for in-depth cleaning if the leather is very dirty.

2 - Conversion :
Afterwards, directly apply a thin uniform layer of Pigmenting Cream AVEL with the included Foam Applicator Pad. Leave to dry thoroughly for several hours and afterwards fix with Pigmenting Cream AVEL Fixing Liquid. Shine once dry.
Repeat the operation if necessary.

Remarks : In certain cases it is necessary to prepare the nubuck leather with Leather Dye Teinture Française Liquide, as one would in case of a change of colour (see below). We can test this before on a sample of your leather.

B. Converting nubuck into smooth leather by changing the colour.

1 - Preparation :
Make sure your nubuck is clean, greaseless and dry.
To eliminate dust, brush it with the Cleaning Sponge Suede Nubuck Saphir. Use Stain Remover Hussard Spray to treat sebum on areas in contact with skin or hair, and/or use OMNIDAIM Saphir for in-depth cleaning if the leather is very dirty.

2 - Conversion :
. To start, change the colour of your leather by applying Leather Dye Teinture Française Liquide. Easy application by Brush. Let dry thoroughly and eliminate surplus colour which has not penetrated with a Chamois Cotton Cloth. 
. Afterwards, apply a thin uniform layer of Pigmenting Cream AVEL with the included Foam Applicator Pad. Leave to dry thoroughly for several hours and afterwards fix with Pigmenting Cream Fixing Liquid.  Shine once dry.
Repeat the operation if necessary.

Note: for shoes, finish with Cirage Crème Surfine Pommadier Saphir.