The patina of a piece of furniture is obtained by shading its stain. You need to shade the flat surfaces and darken the hollows of mouldings. Proceed according to one of the 2 existing methods:

1 - On stained and sanded wood, sand again with Steel Wool LOUIS XIII N° 0000 insisting on the parts in relief. Very easy, quick and economic, this procedure permits to darken the hollows and brighten the reliefs.

2 - On wood prepared with Acrylic Wood Finish LOUIS XIII, apply a coat of Judean Bitumen LOUIS XIII with the help of Cottonwick LOUIS XIII or a Brush. Then wipe the wood with cottonwick by insisting in particular on the center of flat surfaces and on the ridges of mouldings and sculptures to lighten them. Let dry for 24 hours. Add patina to increase  shading. To take off patina, clean with turpentine or sand with Steel Wool LOUIS XIII N° 0. 

Afterwards, protect the patina with a varnish based on alcohol: Shellac Varnish LOUIS XIII, Gloss Varnish LOUIS XIII, Patina Gum Laquer LOUIS XIII.

Protect your hands with Black Nitrile Rubber Gloves below!