We suggest different products for different scenarios:
1- for the punctual destruction of a spider:
Use our Special Spiders ORKA Jet , which is available as a 500 ml vaporizer. It is particularly efficient due to its very far-reaching jet which allows to reach the spider without having to get too close, and is efficient if the spider is in a high position or difficult to reach.
2- To eliminate a massive infestation in a building:
- It is advisable to start with a shock treatment by using Smoke Insecticide SUPERTOX (for rooms up to 30 m²) or Fumigator Insecticide PROFYR (up to 40 m²). This allows a treatment of the complete volume of a room and its height in particular, and will eliminate even very small spiders which aren't always easy to detect.
- Afterwards, use the Special Spiders ORKA Jet Vaporiser to spray on floors, plinths, cracks...everywhere you see spiders and everywhere they could hide. The product leaves a film which will be efficient for several weeks.
For more important surfaces, choose the Polyvalent Insecticide KING by using a 5 liter Duster below to spray.
Tel. : +33 (0)5 45 70 80 80
For any professional use of this advice card, please contact us.

Duster 5 Liters
Garden duster with a 5 liter capacity.Remarks :- Ergonomic handle for adding pressure.- Pressure indicator.- Hose with release handle.- Adjustable nozzle.

Smoke Insecticide SUPERTOX
Smoke insecticide based on Pyrethrine.Instantly kills all flying and crawling insects : flies, mosquitos, wasps, moths, fleas, bedbugs, beetles, lice, cockroaches, spiders, stinkbugs, clothes moths, hornets, ants, insects attacking stored goods like weevils, etc... Close all exits, cut off the ventilation, open the can, pull up and light the fuse and afterwards evacuate the room. ...

Duster 16 Liters made of Copper
Professional knapsac duster with preliminary pressure build-up with a 16 liter capacity, for the care and protection of all types of plants and the disinfection of the premises.Remarks : - copper reservoir- the pumping lever can be installed on the left or on the right- solid brass piston- anti-corrosion valves and joints- large-size cap with filter- brass garden hose with faucet- straps included

Fumigator Insecticide PROFYR
Hydro-reactive fumigator to destroy acarids, mites, cockroaches, spiders, fleas, flies, mosquitos, wasps, hornets etc...Based on cyphenothrin, a member of the family of pyrethroids, with optimum efficiency thanks to fine particle diffusion in every nook and cranny.To treat buildings, grain silos, areas for food storage etc. Remarks :- combustion without danger, without propellant, or deposit !- use : houses, community buildings, industries... - ...

Insecticide Special Spiders ORKA Spray
Very efficient anti-spider insecticide. Special Spiders ORKA contains a highly concentrated active element and will quickly eliminate the spiders.Remarks :- Shock action. Long-lasting effect. - Neutral colour repulsive. Discreet fragrance. - Does not stain.- Before using an insecticide, make sure that this is absolutely necessary, in particular for premises used by the public. If possible, always prefer altenative methods and products ...