To renovate the leather surface of a desk, or a leather desk blotter, several solutions exist.Always begin by a thorough cleaning, to be abler to work afterwards on leather that's perfectly clean, greaseless and dry. It is essential to clean your leather with Regenerating Soap AVEL, and , if necessary, also use Stain Remover Hussard Spray in case of sebum stains.

If stains like ink stains persist, soap won't do the trick. Try solvents such as alcohol or acetone, always testing carefully. You can also order our Ballpoint Ink remover AVEL.

Afterwards, depending on the condition of your desk: :

1 leather in good condition and only lightly discoloured: and adapted leather care product should be sufficient, and a leather dye not really necessary. Choose Cream Renovator AVEL in the corresponding colour shade, and afterwards Renovating Cream Saphir if necessary in case of deeper scratches.

2- In case of more  important discolorations, opt for Leather Dye Juvacuir, which is a stronger re-colouring cream  Juvacuir is available in about twenty colors held in stock, but can now be made to measure according to a universal reference or one of our colors to choose from our Nuancier Cirage Saphir AVEL.Prepare your leather before with Stripper Saphir.

3- If the leather is completely discoloured or in case of a change of colour, first you need to  give it back its colour. Prepare the leather with Stripper Saphir, not to eliminate the original colour shade but to eliminate any previous finishings which would prevent the penetration of the liquid dye. The hydro-alcoholic formula of Liquid Leather Teinture Française Saphir  will penetrate in-depth and give a long-lasting result. Afterwards, a finishing is necessary to homogenize the colour and to avoid any colour discharge.
You can use Leather Dye Juvacuir, which is a re-pigmenting cream in the same colour shade, and which will also serve as finishing after a colour change in the new colour.

- Remarks :
. for giildings use Gilding Varnish Louis XIII below. It can be applied by brush , is very fluid and gives a result close to gilding with gold leaf, but is much easier to use.