Wood Lightener LOUIS XIII

Wood Lightener LOUIS XIII helps to : - lighten interior/exterior wood blackened by water or by strippers based on soda or potassium, - lighten the wood by eliminating the tannin, - remove most non-greasy stains (blood, rust, ink, drinks etc.)
- lighten a piece of furniture stained too dark,
- eliminate stain residue after sanding,
- eliminate the greying of teak before treatment. - lighten wood blackened by smoke.
Remarks :
- Average use approx. 10 m²/liter. - Fongicidal and bactericidal action, which help to protect the wood before a applying a finishing. - Before use, eliminate any wax if the wood has been waxed, and strip if it has been varnished.
Instructions for use: - Apply by Brush with synthetic bristles or spray on, leave to work for 45 minutes and thoroughly hose down afterwards while brushing with a Sponge or a rigid Brush.