Insecticide Special Fleas ORKA Spray

Destroys all flea infestations, or crawling insects on wooden floors, carpets and other flooring. Kills larva. Use as a shock treatment before applying the Special Fleas Orka Jet Vaporiser (see advice card on the bottom of the page).
Remarks :
- does not stain.
- average capacity 30 m² or 75 m3.
- non-inflammable propellant 134A.
- unique use, meaning complete use in one go.
- not suitable for treating domestic animals!
- Before using an insecticide, make sure that this is absolutely necessary, in particular for premises used by the public. If possible, always prefer altenative methods and products with the lowest risk for human and animal health and the environment.Biocide product type TP18 (Insecticides, acaricides and products used for the fight against other arthropods).